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Divinity.Original.Sin.2.MULTi5-PLAZA Game


Little kids learn by playing games, big boys and girls learn by making games. After 5 weeks of studying the art of programming, we gave our students the assignment to "make a game" using the basic knowledge...

Alumnus Kwanbo Kim (on the right) is currently working at eXiin in Brussels on a game called " Ary and the Secret of Seasons ". Kwanbo was interviewed by SideFX, the company behind the amazing software Houdini,...

Divinity.Original.Sin.2.MULTi5-PLAZA game

Alumnus Tycho Terryn has started an independent VR / game development studio called EntroPi Games in Berlin. They are pround to announce Vinyl Reality. the first DJ Mixing application that accurately recreates a...

In Stylized Design and Creation we teach the students to analyze and apply any given style in games or films. For this exercise the students referenced dinosaurs and stylized the typical characteristics. In...

The Rookies , a worldwide awards and mentor programme for young creatives in games, film, animation, virtual reality and 3D visualisation, have ranked Howest University, Digital Arts and Entertainment as the best school...

Belgium's biggest game studio Larian Studios has released their new game: Divinity Original Sin II and they will come over to our campus to talk about the production. A bunch of our students have worked on...

These are the results of the level scripting exam. For this exam the students had to create a finished game in unreal engine 4 using blueprints. With this exam they have to manage their time throughout an entire semester,...

As part of their Prototyping exam, students had to work together in a group to develop a enjoyable board game. The focus of the assignment was not to have a perfectly finished game, but more about the iterative design process,...

Hoverloop is a splitscreen aracde arena combat game made by alumnus Philippe Mesotten and Lars Driessen, together they form Not A Company . In Hoverloop you have acces to an array of customizable drones, each...

For his graduation work , final year game development student Simon Coenen, studied how to implement soft bodies using a particle physics based simulation library created by Nvidia called FleX. Soft bodies are just one of the...

In the last few years a considerable amount of games where announced or released that have mechanics involving the player moving from the surface of a planet to space without a loading screen, without a noticeable change in...

In the course Level Editing 1 our second year students came into contact with the Unreal Engine for the first time. The students had to design and create a level for the new Unreal Tournament game. Because the task is vast and...

What started as a game projects production evolved to 4 students creating their own company: Cybernetic Walrus. They are working with DAE Studios to bring their game to market. After getting a visual makeover, a new trailer...

During the first half of the second year program, our students developed some amazing game prototypes. But what are game prototypes I hear you ask!" When designing games, the designer starts with a...

When playing a game in which you walk through lush vegetation, Sander Vander Meiren disliked it that all too often the ferns, banana leaves and other foliage do not move - or at least don't respond realistically enough to...

Our final year students just finished their group projects: Designing and making a game from scratch during 1 semester. Teams consist out of a blend of student students from the major Game Development - that take care of the...

Game Art Pipeline focuses on baking techniques, PBR texturing skills and presenting your finished game asset. In order to exercise these skills our 2nd year students created a melee weapon of choice. The idea was to go for...

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Sometimes you just want to sit back and get immersed in a world different from your own, away from anyone else. 2ff7e9595c


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